Travel Health

As per the Department of Health all travel consultations, vaccinations and prescriptions are unavailable on the NHS and only available on a private basis.
To access this service please download this form and return it to the practice. The nurse will then ascertain which immunisations are required and arrange an immunisation schedule for you. Some vaccines may have to be obtained via a private prescription from the chemist who will charge their own fee.
The vaccines we have in stock and their prices are as per the form. We accept debit and all major credit cards.
Select the region you are travelling to find out more.
Further Travel Information
The following websites will give you additional travel advice
Travel Health for information of vaccinations available on NHS
MASTA for private vaccination clinics for specific country travel advice
EHIC to apply for your free European Health Insurance Card
Travel Checklist
If you take regular medications please take enough supplies for your trip. It is very useful to have a list of all prescriptions including generic names for medications and carry this in hand luggage.
lf travelling with strong painkillers such as opiates, or injectables such as Insulin, it may be prudent to carry a letter from your GP stating their use. There is a charge for this.
Obtaining travel insurance, covering all intended destinations and activities, and including emergency medical care and repatriation to the Isle of Man is essential. Make sure your insurance company is aware of any existing medical complaints and medications before you travel.
You should consider carrying medication for self-treatment of minor illnesses. Anti-septic creams, simple analgesia such as Paracetamol and over the counter remedies for diarrhoea are all very useful.
Sunburn and dehydration can be a major risk in certain countries especially for children. Consider adequate sun screens, hats and loose cotton clothing.
If going to exotic locations research the possible travel risks. Make an early appointment to see the Practice Nurse and discuss your plans. You can get the latest on-line information at
Minimise the risk of mosquito and insect bites by the use of a good quality repellent. DEET containing products are recommended and are suitable for all individuals over 2 months.